Send a Message to a Mattermost Channel with Optional Attachments
This function sends a text message to a specified Mattermost channel, optionally including one or more attachment files and plots.
priority = "Normal",
file_path = NULL,
comment = NULL,
plots = NULL,
plot_name = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
auth = authenticate_mattermost()
- channel_id
The ID of the Mattermost channel where the message will be sent. Must be a non-empty string.
- message
The content of the message to be sent. Must be a non-empty string.
- priority
A string specifying the priority of the message. Must be one of: - "Normal" (default) - "High" - "Low"
- file_path
A vector of file paths to be sent as attachments. Each path must point to an existing file.
- comment
A comment to accompany the attachment files. Useful for providing context or instructions.
- plots
A list of plot objects to attach to the message. Each plot can be: - A `ggplot2` object. - An R expression (e.g., `quote(plot(cars))`). Make sure to always wrap your expresion using the `quote()` function. - A function that generates a plot (e.g., `function() plot(cars)`).
- plot_name
A vector of names for the plot files. Extensions are optional; `.png` will be appended if missing. If multiple plots are provided with a single name, numbered names will be generated automatically.
- verbose
Boolean. If `TRUE`, the function will print detailed request and response information for debugging purposes.
- auth
The authentication object created by `authenticate_mattermost()`. Must be a valid `mattermost_auth` object.
A list containing the parsed response from the Mattermost server, including details about the posted message and attachments.
- The function enforces a maximum of 5 total attachments (files + plots). Attempting to attach more will result in an error. - Plot attachments are handled by the `handle_plot_attachments` helper function, which processes and uploads plots, returning their respective file IDs. - Priority levels can influence how messages are displayed or handled within Mattermost, depending on server configurations.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Define channel ID and message
auth = authenticate_mattermost()
teams <- get_all_teams()
team_channels <- get_team_channels(team_id = teams$id[1])
channel_id <- get_channel_id_lookup(team_channels, "Off-Topic")
# Example 1: Send a simple message without attachments
response1 <- send_mattermost_message(
channel_id = channel_id,
message = "Hello, Mattermost!",
auth = auth,
verbose = TRUE
# Example 2: Send a message with a single file attachment
# Create a temporary text file
temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
writeLines("This is a sample file attachment.", con = temp_file)
response2 <- send_mattermost_message(
channel_id = channel_id,
message = "Here is a file for you.",
file_path = temp_file,
comment = "Please review the attached file.",
auth = auth,
verbose = TRUE
# Clean up temporary file
# Example 3: Send a message with multiple file attachments
# Create temporary files
temp_file1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")
temp_file2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".docx")
# Create a ggplot and save it as a PDF
plot_pdf <- ggplot2::ggplot(mtcars, ggplot2::aes(x = wt, y = mpg)) +
ggplot2::ggsave(filename = temp_file1, plot = plot_pdf)
# Create a simple DOCX file using officer
doc <- officer::read_docx() |>
officer::body_add_par("This is a sample Word document.", style = "Normal")
print(doc, target = temp_file2)
response3 <- send_mattermost_message(
channel_id = channel_id,
message = "Please find the attached documents.",
file_path = c(temp_file1, temp_file2),
comment = "Attached: Report.pdf and Summary.docx.",
priority = "High",
auth = auth,
verbose = TRUE
# Clean up temporary files
unlink(c(temp_file1, temp_file2))
# Example 4: Send a message with plot attachments
# Define plots
plot1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(mtcars, ggplot2::aes(x = wt, y = mpg)) +
plot2 <- function() plot(cars)
# Call the function with plot attachments
response4 <- send_mattermost_message(
channel_id = channel_id,
message = "Check out these plots.",
plots = list(plot1, plot2),
plot_name = c("mtcars_plot.png", "cars_plot"),
comment = "Attached: mtcars_plot and cars_plot.",
auth = auth,
verbose = TRUE
# Example 5: Send a message with both file and plot attachments
# Create a temporary file
temp_file3 <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(mtcars, file = temp_file3, row.names = FALSE)
response5 <- send_mattermost_message(
channel_id = channel_id,
message = "Files and plots attached for your review.",
file_path = temp_file3,
plots = list(plot1, plot2),
plot_name = c("mtcars_plot.png", "cars_plot"),
comment = "Attached: mtcars_plot.png, cars_plot, and mtcars.csv.",
priority = "Low",
auth = auth,
verbose = TRUE
# Example 6: Combine all plot possibilities and a file attachment
#Define additional plot using the `quote()` function.
plot3 <- quote(plot(ggplot2::mpg))
# Attempt to send 4 attachments (1 file + 3 plots)
response6 <- send_mattermost_message(
channel_id = channel_id,
message = "All possible plot types.",
file_path = temp_file3,
plots = list(plot1, plot2, plot3),
plot_name = c("plot1.png", "plot2.png", "plot3.png"),
comment = "sending all kind possible of attachments",
priority = "Normal",
auth = auth,
verbose = TRUE
# Clean up temporary file
} # }