Get Channel ID by Display Name or Name
This function retrieves the channel ID associated with a specified display name or name from a data frame of channels. If multiple channels have the same display name, the name parameter can be used to disambiguate.
- channels_df
A data frame containing channel information. It must include at least three columns: `id` (the channel ID), `display_name`, and `name`.
- display_name
(Optional) A character string representing the display name of the channel for which the ID is to be retrieved.
- name
(Optional) A character string representing the unique name of the channel for which the ID is to be retrieved.
# Sample channels data frame
channels <- data.frame(
id = c("gy91r1kjnbnkdfu6jjoxzcm5ge", "utbtjouxkirniyh9u84oym6mnh", "abc12345xyz", "xyz56789abc"),
display_name = c("Off-Topic", "Town Square", "Off-Topic", "Random"),
name = c("off-topic", "town-square", "off-topic-team", "random"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# As this display_name is not unique for "Off-Topic" this will lead to an error.
#' # get_channel_id_lookup(channels, display_name = "Off-Topic")
# this will however return a result
get_channel_id_lookup(channels, display_name = "Town Square")
#> [1] "utbtjouxkirniyh9u84oym6mnh"
# Get the channel ID for "Town Square" by name
get_channel_id_lookup(channels, name = "town-square")
#> [1] "utbtjouxkirniyh9u84oym6mnh"